Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This morning outside our house the grass was covered with this....

It looked awesome but you have to wonder, where are all the spiders that made them????

by tate

Monday, June 15, 2009

bits and pieces

This is a video of a few bits and pieces of animation we have done, and some new effects we are trying out. Enjoy

Monday, June 8, 2009


The results for the poll, would you rather stand in front of people in your underwear or swim with a shark are in, with fifty percent choosing each option.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tate and Fletch Live

this is our first video with us in it enjoy!

In the Beginning

A new video, Enjoy!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Robo Bug

This is a robo bug that I ordered from the school book club. Also this is our shortest stop motion video. 
We should put up a new post for the website. The title of it should be the beginning. Come check out our website on Monday to watch "The Beginning"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heeling down the escalator

Step One : Tilt your head all the way to the left.

Step Two : Press Play

Step Three: Watch the video till it ends.

Step Four : Stop watching the video.

Step Five : Return head to the upright position.

Would You Rather Wednesday

The results for the poll, would you rather have a tail you can swing from or an extra eye on the end of your finger are 60% for the tail and 40% for the eye.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Game

This is our longest video yet, it is quite silly and it features dancing Bakugan, and a Homersapien. The rest we will keep secret and you watch the rest! 

Thank you for all of your emails and comments, on our website. We promise to keep updating the website, so come back and visit us every week. You can see what we have been doing and answer our Would You Rather Wednesday poll.

If you want us to make a video about something, let us know what and we will try.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today we did the TIMTAMJAM! Because not everyone knows how to do it, we thought we would give you all a tim tam jam lesson.
First you need to get everything together. You will need Cups, spoons, milk, milo and tim tams. You can tim tam jam with coffee or milk but we think the best way is with hot chocolate.
Next put a big scoop of milo into your cup.
Add some milk.
And heat in the microwave. We put ours in for a minute and a half. 
After a minute and a half you will have a nice hot chocolate. Now for the Jam!
Get all your biscuits together.
Bite off one corner from the tim tam (tim tams are best from the fridge), eat this bit.
Turn the tim tam around and bite of the opposite corner. Eat this bit too.
Now put the bottom corner into the hot chocolate and your lips on the top corner and suck as hard as you can.
The hot chocolate will come through the biscuit like a straw - we use double coat tim tams so you can suck for longer.
You have to be careful to stop before it gets too sloppy and get it into your mouth before it falls apart into the drink. If it does it will still be tasty, you just need to scoop it out with a spoon. But we like to jam it all in our mouths right before it disintegrates. This same thing can be done with choc coated teddy bear biscuits. Don't have too many at once or you will be sick.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Animation

Our second video animation went well. It is not perfect again but, we will keep trying and also will try to update our website every week.

We think this animation is still good we hope you like it. All of the cool kids should put this website in thier favourites no matter what.

This is how we did it. We took a photo and moved the power miner and the rock monsters a little bit. Then we took another photo and we kept on repeating moving the power miner and rock monsters and taking photos till we are finished.

The next animation we make will be about Ben 10.

Next we are going to post about a cool thing to do with food!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our First Stop Motion Animation

Tonight we had a go at making our first stop motion animation. It isn't perfect but we had fun making it and will definatly be making more, we have already made some story boards for the next two movies!
Come back soon and see what we have made.

Stop Motion

We are going to have a try of making a stop motion video of the kevin levin car. If that works out we might try a video using our powerminers.

This is Us

This is a photo of us taken last week playing mini golf, we are getting pretty good at golf, but mum still kicks our butts.

First Post

This is our website.

We are brothers and we like cool stuff.

Tate is 8 and Fletch is 7.

This is going to be a place for all of the coolest stuff around.